August 26, 2015

Kali 2 as a long term everyday Linux #2: download and verify Kali ISO, build a bootable pendrive in three easy steps

Step #1: download Kali.

First, get the updated download link here

If you already use a Linux box it's more educational to start using the command line ;-)

$ cd && cd Downloads
$ wget -c

August 25, 2015

Kali 2 as a long term everyday Linux #1: why it may be useful to you

This educational tutorial is aimed to who isn't afraid by the command line and wants to upgrade the everyday PC to an easy-to-use,  powerful, security-probing-ready, rolling Linux, backed up by a large active community. The goal here is to ease the upgrade of your current pc to such a powerful tool, with simplicity and  efficacy.

Kali 2.0, formerly Backtrack, has been released august 11, 2015 just before DEFCON-23.